Biographical brief Federico f. Mendoza is a Spanish Australian artist who started his creative career in the seventies. At this time he participated in Art performances making strong social comments dealing with broad issues such as violence in every day life and freedom of speech. In the Eighties he lived and worked in France where he distinguish in the promotion of expressive popular creative crafts. Public demostrations, worshops, festivities, art craft fairs. He also participated in mail arts and other collaborative arts or cultural projects.
In the nineties he decided to follow formal education in Australia. After going through what he defined “some conflicts of identities “he completed the associated Diploma Of Fine Arts T.A.F.E Penrith (1992) Bachelor of Art --Visual Arts, University Western Sydney (1996), graduate Diploma of Adult and Community Education Catholic University Strafhfield (1999).
Over the past 30 years Federico has been involved in many cultural projects asserting the community spirit and the association of cultural values and creativity.