Wire art /L'art du fil de fer / Arte de alambre
1 artwork
Federico is a pioneer in the work with the different wire; thread chicken,mesh . Though now it decided of continuing with the experimentation with this technology; to penetrate and major continuity gives this one very particular technology with his varied processes of creation and production.
Federico es un pionero en el trabajo con el alambre y la malla de gallinero.Aunque ahora decidió de continuar con la experimentación con este a material, profundizar y darle mayor contin
Painting -Social themes -Pintura tematica Social
10 artworks
9 artworks
Environment installation & interventions -
15 artworks
Temas relacionados con el medio ambiente
Themes related to the environement
10 artworks
Narrativas miméticas y poeticas .Simbologia cultural
Sitios públicos - Sitios inusuales
Exposiciones e instalaciones
de la Aproximación formal a la Experimentacion Pura
Installation variables- semi permanent -ephemeral
Series colores.
La manzana y los colores .
Artist lateral diary,Diario lateral, Journal intime
1 artwork
Artista lateral diario desde principios de los setenta hasta hoy .
Aspecto de un contractual proyecto que empece hace unos años; Memorias,contextos y poética del espacio.
Este diario es una etapa que trata de poner en contexto recuerdos,fidelidades,viajes y compromisos del artista .
Un recorrido 'digitalizado' en parte,alrededor de la memoria, del 'parcourir ' artistico o creativo,de situarse como artista persona alrededor de aquella que toca a la creatividad
y la poetica que se esconde e
Cultura & Communities- Activities Involvement
11 artworks
URUGUAYAN FESTIVAL -Pabellón Iberoamericano
Assemblages -MONTAGES -Altered magazines
12 artworks
1 artwork
Media Soldier 2 -The Evolutive Watch-installation
10 artworks
Media Soldiers II - The Evolutive Watch
As the title indicates, this exhibition is one facet of an ongoing project based on the impact of the contemporary media in our society. The first stage of this project was presented in an exhibition of paintings at Casula Power House in 2002 which was in many ways premonitory of the attitude taken by parts of the media in the Iraq War .
Media Soldier II is presented as a three dimensional collage, sculpture, installation between realism
Ceramica y escultura -Sculpture & ceramic
8 artworks
11 artworks
Mouse Drawing -Dibujos con el rantoncin
14 artworks
Photos & Digital photomontages
17 artworks